Tuesday, September 20, 2005

"The Gathering" - Sabbath Hela Veckan

Sabbath Hela Veckan (Sabbath All The Week) is one of the most represented bands on this compilation. I discovered them this summer when preparing for Korrö Folk Music Festival and fell in love!!! When I heard them live they were even better...

This Klezmer Orchestra is Stockholm based and their members comes from Sweden, USA and Finland.
They started 1989 and consists of Lauri Antila (contrabass), Peter Bothén (clarinets and saxophones), Andreas Hedwall (trombones and song), James Friedman (violins and song), Nils Personne (saxophones and piano) och Niklas Sundén (accordion)

Here is a rewiew of their first cd Klez. They mostly play instrumental music but the vocal songs are great and sung with a lot of drama... hopefully I will be able to put up the lyrics here soon.

(Image is from their website)

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